Domain Acquisition

After hearing that they have been trying to contact a company for the purchase of for 16 years, I figured I could give it a shot. I helped ATTO Technology locate the correct point of contact in a +10000 employee company to initiate negotiations of the acquisition for the 4 letter domain name. We acquired the Domain name by the end of July. You can checkout the other contributors for refferences. [Read More]

ATTO Technology SEO Redesign

I was hired for this company to perform SEO, shortly after google had scheduled the release of a new search algorithm that would reduce views on pages that were not mobile complaint. ATTO got the effect of this with a 50% drop in traffic in a matter of days. A website with over a million views a month it needed to be overhauled. I was tasked with a complete redesign on the website and its 800+ pages. I monitored and improved SEO on the pages over time as well as slowly gained back that 50% loss in traffic. You can checkout the other contributors for refferences.

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Both of these functions are designed to be used with ob_start() and process the output before its sent to the user. You can also include caching into this to reduce overhead for static pages. It takes the output of the page and makes the content up to 50% smaller in size by removing unused comments and whitespace in code. Download the file here or look at the code below.

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Pixelmon Mod

In my time working with Pixelmon team I played a role of working with multiple parts of the team due to my vast experience developing. Pixelmon was a hybrid game mode with minecraft and pokemon mixed in an open world game.

Unfortunately the game faced some pushback including dmca takedown notice from Nintendo themselves which resulted in all development ending. The game had user created content that was similar to the real game pokemon but created by hand as to avoid copyright infringement. It seems that Nintendo still carried on with the takedown however.

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ClouDNS API Library

This is a wrapper library for the ClouDNS API to be used by PHP applications. It tries to ease the integration of the API into your applications by handling all interactions with API and providing a simple interface to interact with. The entire projects source code is posted on gitlab.

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