SmartThings + Vision Micro Switch [Update]

How to get a cheap smart home that actually works. Vision Micro switches lets you use the old fashion switch and also continue to use your old bulbs. Instead of paying $10-30 per smart bulb, you pay around $25 for a single or $30 for a 2 relay switch. 2 relay switches help you save a ton more money, you can use one for 2 gang boxes saving you 2x more money ($15/switch). If you think about it, most ceiling lights have 2-3 bulbs, Why buy so many bulbs when you can buy a single switch.

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SmartThings + Vision Micro Switch

I have found a neat little alternative to full price switches online. I gave myself a budget of $20 per wall switch for the house and until I found something around that I was not gonna buy any. I just think that $50 for a wall switch is a little ridiculous in my opinion. These switches are still over my max budget but at least I found a reason for one of the partners here to buy it instead [bana0615]. He has a double switch in his house and they do not sell double smart switches anywhere. This micro controller solves his problem. The double switch relays will put me under budget for some locations in the house though with the ability to work for two switches at once.

Double Toggle Switch [Read More]

3D printed wrist brace WIP

This is a custom 3D printed wrist brace that I’m working on. I wear wrist braces to sleep for RSI / carpal tunnel but they’re not ideal. The fabric construction is hot, sweaty, and not supportive around the knuckle area of the hand. The velcro is noisy, sticks to bedding and lint, and is wearing out over time. I want something rigid, breathable, and quiet.

3D printed cast I saw online

The design was inspired by this 3D printed cast I saw online. I scanned my arm with a Kinect using the Skanect program, then edited the model in Blender to make the brace. My plan a two-piece clamshell, probably held by o-rings or similar. I may add a hinge in the future.

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New print bed

We received our new print bed from eBay/China. Not a Lokbuild but at least its cheaper. First thing I noticed is that this sheet is thicker than a Lokbuild, 0.6mm thick instead of 0.5. When I followed the steps on calibrating I clicked 6 8 times to ensure proper spacing instead of the original 4.

Before applying pad

Robox Instructions:

  1. Launch AutoMaker software and navigate to Calibration button

  2. Follow instructions until asked to insert paper between nozzles and build plate

  3. Follow instructions and raise nozzles to point at which paper moves freely between nozzles and build plate

  4. Set height 4 6 8 clicks higher than this point (i.e. 0.4 mm)

  5. Proceed as normal

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Automated water system?

A friend at work asked if I could help solve his issues with his water intake from the well. At first I was like um why? Living in the city I did not know anything about how country side water systems worked. Water pumped from a well has a chance that it may contain too much sulfur making the water smell. He wanted to pull rain water into a tank and use it as primary with the well water as a failsafe.

I am thinking about using a basic ESP8266 along with a couple of water pressure sensors and relays triggering the water pumps he already has. The code should be very simple to write and I already have most of the hardware here minus the sensor.

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Phillips hue + smartthings

I’m not really sure why it started working all of a sudden. I’m glad I did not buy a Hue hub. I had a test bulb plugged in as a normal bulb when it randomly showed up to my SmartThings hub. This happened after adding Sengled classic bulbs to my system and a SmartThings hub update. I think maybe it had to do with Zigbee adding cross compatibility between ZLL and ZHA protocols. [Read More]

Smart Things 433mhz

Going to be creating a receiver to translate 433mhz sensors to smart things, Most likely going to be using a esp8266 to make it easier to configure. I still have to figure out how to identify the smart things hub withouth manually entering in its ip, maybe upnp? I also bought a CC2530 chip for zigbee testing, Not sure what im going to do with that yet. Edit: I think I may have made a mistake buying zigbee chips. [Read More]

Colocrossing Client and Admin control panel

A highly advanced control panel that manages multiple datacenters across the country. This control panel has management features such as users, switches, routers, virtual machines, DDOS mitigation, port monitoring, billing, support tickets, sales and many more things. The panel grew more and more everyday become fully automated in every aspect of a datacenter technicians work.

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