This is a wrapper library for the ClouDNS API to be used by PHP applications. It tries to ease the integration of the API into your applications by handling all interactions with API and providing a simple interface to interact with. The entire projects source code is posted on gitlab.
[Read More]We are an independent development group based in Buffalo, NY. We work together to help each other out in our fields and open source projects. We live by the name Silo City Labs and work towards a better future for each other.
Java Plugin Minecraft RepairSigns
Written in java for minecraft this plugin was created to improve user gameplay. With close to 10k downloads and hundreds of active servers using it. You can checkout the old plugin page here
The RepairSign plugin provides easy to use repair locations to help improve the user experience from a general perspective. Before making the purchase you can check trough an invoice station how much its going to cost and get a detailed list of all prices for each item. You can even go as far as to change the default pricing for all items in the config. To repair or get estimate left click signs.
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