433mhz testing

I decided due to the lack of community support I am not going to make a Zigbee 433mhz chip instead I will continue my efforts with the WiFi esp8266. Now that I have the 433mhz working with the esp8266 I will be performing some distance testing with a few receivers I purchased and different antennas I have.



Update to: https://silocitylabs.com/post/2017/12/01/smart-things-433mhz/

Complete Smart Home Setup


I wanted to talk about my smart home setup from the ground up. I have many articles describing my setup in pieces but not everyone gets an entire overview of everything I have setup here. I don’t have a mansion or anything fancy like built in sprinkler/irrigation, so this will be more catered to your average city home.


The Assistant: r Google Home and/or Mini manage my random routines that aren’t part of a automation rule. Going to the basement to do laundry, or going to sleep at random times. I can just send a command and google home will handle it. Link your SmartThings account and Google Home together for best results. Give all your devices aliases to make it easier to command via Google. I want one located in every central room of the house, Kitchen, Living room, Master Bedroom.

Control Center:

What controls my entire setup and why I chose this hub vs others. My only hub is a Samsung SmartThings hub. This manages just about everything in my home minus the security cameras. I did heavy research on many hubs including Wink, IOT (hub-less), and Phillips hue. Why SmartThings?

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Automated water system?

A friend at work asked if I could help solve his issues with his water intake from the well. At first I was like um why? Living in the city I did not know anything about how country side water systems worked. Water pumped from a well has a chance that it may contain too much sulfur making the water smell. He wanted to pull rain water into a tank and use it as primary with the well water as a failsafe.

I am thinking about using a basic ESP8266 along with a couple of water pressure sensors and relays triggering the water pumps he already has. The code should be very simple to write and I already have most of the hardware here minus the sensor.

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