PandaPaper turns malicious

Chrome extension modifies HTML and tries to hide it

paper panda logo with X for eyes

The “paywalling” of scientific research papers is an ongoing problem that hinders learning, hinders scientific research, and leaches profit from publicly-funded research. PaperPanda is a Chrome extension to download academic papers. Its intention is to find free links for published papers.

However what PaperPanda does under-the-hood tells another story. I’ve unearthed malicious code in PaperPanda’s Chrome extension and attempts to hide said malicious activity. This extension tried to modify my Amazon pages for unknown reasons - possibly a phisher or credit-card stealer. If you have this extension UNINSTALL IT. In this post I’ll explain how this extension is malicious and how it hides that behavior.

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Home Server Setup.

Today I will talk about my server setup by request. I setup my server originally for Security cameras because I was tired of proprietary software that every different camera has. My setup right now includes 4 entirely different types of cameras. None of them officially support ONVIF. Every one of my cameras was free so quality was not something I cared for. Today, my server now has my Windows File share (Samba), offsite Sync, Software Raid, Crontab Network Speed monitoring and zoneminder.

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433mhz testing

I decided due to the lack of community support I am not going to make a Zigbee 433mhz chip instead I will continue my efforts with the WiFi esp8266. Now that I have the 433mhz working with the esp8266 I will be performing some distance testing with a few receivers I purchased and different antennas I have.



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