Getting Started with the ESP32MiniSD

Add Storage to Your ESP32 Projects

The ESP32MiniSD is a compact add-on board designed for Seeed Studio’s XIAO ESP32-C3, XIAO ESP32-C6 or XIAO ESP32-S3, enabling microSD card storage, battery monitoring, and USB charging capabilities. In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through setting up and using the ESP32MiniSD with an ESP32 XIAO module to read and write files to a microSD card.

Unlike Adafruit’s Xiao ESP32, the ESP32MiniSD is designed to get the most out of the ESP32’s capabilities, with a focus on storage and power management. The board features a microSD card slot connecting SD card to ESP32, battery monitoring, and charging circuitry, making it ideal for ESP32 SD card integrations including data logging, file storage, and portable IoT devices. Let’s dive into the setup and usage of the ESP32MiniSD with the XIAO ESP32 module!

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Nurturing Your Garden the Smart Way

A Guide to Building an ESP32-Powered Automated Watering System


In the world of electronics and software, innovation knows no bounds. As a senior software engineer in Amherst, NY, I’ve always loved to tinker with the latest technologies to create fun and exciting projects. One such project that I recently embarked on is an automated watering system that integrates seamlessly with Home Assistant, using sensors, Tasmota, MQTT, and an ESP32 4CH relay control board. In this article, I will guide you through the process of building your own automated watering system, step by step. Please note that having a basic understanding of Home Assistant and microcontrollers is recommended to follow this guide.

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