We are an independent development group based in Buffalo, NY. We work together to help each other out in our fields and open source projects. We live by the name Silo City Labs and work towards a better future for each other.

Recover AMLogic Android boxes everytime

Theres a few ways on the amlogic chips to recover boxes, but theres also many ways to recover these units. I will talk about which I have used and others. In reality it is really difficult to fully brick one of these units permanently. I will start off with the basics and work my way up to the more advanced methods.

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Arm 64bit vs Xeon x86_64 performance on AWS

The reason for this test was to determine if arm was a viable option on aws. I noticed that arm had higher network throughputs and faster disk speeds on the aws pages. So I decided I would compare their performance using golang tests. The entire test cost me $0.68 using a quick spot instance. The comparison was done on two very similar instances of aws servers. On paper they would almost seem to function the same but arm was just a few cents more, but lets take a look on how they performed. [Read More]

Opt out of spectrum SPAM

Recently I discovered a way to opt out of all spectrum spam mail, calls, door to door salesmen. I have filled out the form and will wait patiently for my spam to stop. Hopefully my mailbox will be empty in the coming weeks.

To opt out of all spam online, mail etc just click the link below:

Opt Out Spectrum Spam

Silocitylabs Blog

Blog website
The blog when this article was written.

The Issue:

Previously on Wordpress we started noticing performance issues early on into the websites time on the web. Wordpress unfortunately is not very good with performance on high traffic websites.

The Solution:

We decided to try out a static site generator called hugo. After migrating we noticed extreme performance improvements. We made some more adjustments while the project was hot and decided to host on github public repo.

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Quick Monitor and Restart in Golang

Go Applications On my desktop I was running a processing script that would occasionally hang at high CPU, so I wrote a quick script to monitor it and restart it. You can see it below and change it as needed. Run it like so after compiling to a binary nohup ./restart & The code package main import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "os/exec" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) func getCPUSample() (idle, total uint64) { contents, err := ioutil. [Read More]

Kafka Cheat Sheet

Throughout my time working with kafka I have developed great software to use with it. But while the software did many things there are other things I still resorted to this cheat sheet for. I have put together this list of commands which I will keep updated here as I find new links and commands that help. My kafka installtion was under /opt/kafka and you will need to change this to your path you installed kafka too. You can also create a symlink and just copy paste commands as they are after changing ip’s.

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