We are an independent development group based in Buffalo, NY. We work together to help each other out in our fields and open source projects. We live by the name Silo City Labs and work towards a better future for each other.

How to get 400mbps for 3 years at $44.99

This is the process I found while setting up a new service for my brother at his house. This will only work for new customers. The address has to have no existing connections for this to work.


Step 1: Intro call, During this call you will call and ask about pricing to see if you are willing to activate a new service. You will need to seem uninterested and are willing to go without internet. Don’t make it brief. Keep it going to get more info. Ask about promotional pricing for 400mbps plans.

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Nightowl BNC and Zoneminder

Nightowl BNC


These are just about every cheap camera sold in store. You can buy these at home depot, walmart, and other retailers. Your best bet is craigslist you can get them for like $10 each. They use a basic analog signal you can hookup to a TV with the right connector. The main connector is called a BNC connector. The downside to these cameras is that they usually cap out at 720p. You will also need a PCI or usb device to hook it up to your server. Unless you already have these cameras laying around, I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND this setup for purchase. Its cheaper to get a 1080p camera on amazon for $20 with less wiring and no pci card.

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Switching to Linux

I have just about had it with Windows updates being forced on me. Graphics drivers breaking. My settings getting reset every time I get on and many other reasons I won’t begin to rant about. I chose to go with a decently common operating system for better compatibility.

I have gone through the install process and have installed Ubuntu 18.04LTS. For less advanced Linux users you can go with a simpler Linux like Solus which is a little more GUI friendly system.

You can modify ubuntu to your likings using a tool called “gnome tweaks” and you can disable animations to speed things up by using a tool called “dconf-editor”.

In dconf-editor, browse to org.gnome.desktop.interface and set enable-animations=false.

You can also run this command to disable animations:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface enable-animations false

You do not need to log out and back in, it should take effect immediately.

After getting all settled and having all my software carried over. I had a few pieces of software that was not compatible and I still needed. Most of my software was available in Ubuntu application store. Everything left is listed below:

Ubuntu Get right click new documents back. Here is a link to a couple of templates we made.

File previews on file explorer:

apt install gnome-sushi

To get the Windows-only software running I installed Virtualbox and installed Windows 10 and started to hack away at all its imperfections to slim it down. This virtual machine won’t be used that often so its a compromise I’m willing to make. I can also set quick one click restore points just in case windows breaks. I have compiled a list for all to use:

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RSCM-13101B and Zoneminder

Rosewill SHIELDeye RSCM-13101B and Zoneminder


This camera is not listed as officially supporting ONVIF, but it does have it. It barely works so I had to do a workaround to add it in. This camera is a OEM camera, Rosewill just re-branded them. Other models that will most likely work the same way. RSCM-13702B RSCM-13702W RSCM-13101B RSCM-15702 RSCM-121001W

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BV Tech 4MP 2K H.265 IP67 and Zoneminder

Model: ca-ipbf-4mp-wifi-fba

This problem gave me a few issues I will go over briefly. This was fairly simple once I realized what I was doing wrong. I originally had it plugged in via an Ethernet cable to setup to WiFi like most cameras. But this camera actually just uses the microphone to transmit settings. Once I removed the Ethernet cable everything worked fine. I actually snipped off the Ethernet knowing I wouldn’t need it, saving space with the clunky cable.

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Secure Backups without the cloud

ioSafe SOLO G3 4TB USB 3.0

I accidentally stumbled upon this solution while trying to find cloud providers to backup my 2TB’s worth of NAS backups. With every single cloud solution being out of price range for the size data I needed I had to look elsewhere. I came across the ioSafe Solo G3 enclosure. It boasts about being safe in every way possible, Fire Proof, Water Proof, and Theft Proof. I almost considered it too good to be true, seemed legit enough after watching some YouTube videos.

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12v circuit for battery backup

My goal is to eventually run everything off a battery backup circuit. Most common systems run on a 12v battery. To start im start off with a few basic things and getting everything running from 12v.

Items needed:

  • 12v power supply
  • 12v to 5v dc to dc step down.

This controller came with a few negatives right off the jump. I dont want to link to a bad controller but ill still describe what I did.

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During my time working for the buffalo news I made many changes to the website. I handled and wrote the mobile api for applications to pull data for the website. I also made visual changes on the website including new styles, layout changes and more. I assisted staff on making changes required in a fashionable time. Other tasks included following up with customers about specific issues for troubleshooting. We used php as the main language for a system powered by wordpress. Also optimized and wrote code for wordpress plugins and other integrations.

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